What are metadata?

Short Answer

The shortest version of the answer. If applicable, begin with a clear 'Yes.' or 'No.', followed by max. one sentence.

Metadata summarize all necessary information about data in a structured way to make the data understandable and machine readable.

Detailed Answer

Include as much detail as necessary.

"Metadata is a love note to the future" (Jason Scott, @textfiles)

...to your future self, and to others who still want to make sense of your data in a few years.

Metadata, can be considered as data about data and summarize all necessary information about data in a structured way to make the data understandable and machine readable. They should at least contain information on the data collector/owner, the content of the data, time and place of data collection, and the collection method - WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? HOW?.

For further information see here.

How do I submit metadata and data?

Are descriptive metadata archived together with the research data? What should these metadata contain?