Service Description | PANGAEA offers data management, including curation, long term archiving and data publication for geoscientific, biological and environmental data. Curation includes user support, definition of data set granularity, quality control, archival format transformation, metadata description and control. Supported data types are tabular data but also binary data, e.g multimedia. PANGAEA supports long-tail data that is data acquired by individual scientists as well as data collected during small to large scale research projects. Every archived data set is citable and attributed by a persistent DOI. IT services PANGAEA offers services of data submission, archiving, publication, and retrieval for individual scientists as well as scientific projects. Thereby scientists benefits not only from the long term archiving and publication of their data but also from assignment of DOIs to their data as well as the cooperation of PANGAEA with scientific publishers like Elsevier, Copernicus or Springer. Data submission and accession PANGAEA Data curation services are managed by data scientists with thematic expertise in geosciences, oceanographic sciences, biology, etc. Intuitive interfaces of the PANGAEA ticket system allow users to submit individual data sets, and provide project data managers with methods for uploading data deposits. PANGAEA accepts data submissions in various formats including most commonly used spreadsheet formats such as EXCEL. This data is managed by data curators within a standardized editorial procedure for which PANGAEA has established workflows and work tracking systems to produce consistent, high-quality data packages from heterogeneous data submissions in appropriate granularities for scientific re-use. Each dataset is described and cataloged by multiple accession identifiers and scientifically appropriate metadata attributes. Most important a DOI allows persistent and globally resolved identification, sharing, publishing and citation of data sets. Data integration and management PANGAEA provides access to data and metadata using a service-oriented architecture for discovery and delivery of content. PANGAEA data access methods include the website, a public PANGAEA web based metadata catalogue and data portal based on ElasticSearch full-text engine, documented web services and APIs for advanced interaction with PANGAEA digital data libraries. Data backup and archiving Backup and archiving facilities of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) are used. Data publication PANGAEA offers an integrated internet based data publication services by using persistent and unique identification (DOIs), which ensure citability of data. All identifier and metadata are registered at DataCite (DOI), library catalogues and internet search engines (Google, Bing, etc). PANGAEA supports also the integration of metadata within domain specific scientific portals (OBIS, GBIF) using appropriate exchange standards (OAI-PMH, DIGIR, OpenSearch etc.). The established cross-linking services allow to embed publication specific PANGAEA metadata within publisher websites (e.g. Elsevier). Furthermore, PANGAEA guides data publication via Data Journals such as the Earth System Science Data Journal (ESSD) and Scientific Data by the Nature publishing group. User services PANGAEA provides scientific data management for individual scientists, institutions and projects across all areas of earth science. PANGAEA has a broad and substantiated background in managing voluminous, heterogeneous and dynamic data as well as related IT subjects (databases, data infrastructures, protocols, system design, and automation). Data management is provided on a wide scale, ranging from archiving supplementary data to single publications of individual scientists to accompanying international projects from the preparation phase to the final report, organizing the data flow all the way. The long-term commitment of PANGAEA ensures that all archived data are available for future analysis and scientific communities. |