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About the Institution

The Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK) Gatersleben and the German Plant Phenotyping Network (DPPN) have jointly initiated the Plant Genomics and Phenomics Research Data Repository (e!DAL-PGP) as an infrastructure to publish plant research data. e!DAL-PGP provides access to cross-domain, plant-related research data that exceeds existing repositories due to their size or scope. e!DAL-PGP is registered as research data repository at, and OpenAIRE as valid EU Horizon 2020 open data archive.

About the Data Center

e!DAL-PGP archives, curates and publishes cross-domain, plant-related research data that exceeds existing repositories due to their size or scope. This includes for example:

  • image collections from plant phenotyping and microscopy
  • unfinished genomes
  • genotyping data
  • visualizations of morphological plant models
  • data from mass spectrometry
  • software & documents

Data Center Profile


e!DAL-PGP – Plant Genomics and Phenomics Research Data Repository


The Plant Genomics and Phenomics Research Data Repository (e!DAL-PGP) is an infrastructure to publish comprehensive plant research data. This covers in particular cross-domain datasets that are not being published in central repositories because of its volume or unsupported data scope.

Data domains (scope)e!DAL-PGP provides access to cross-domain, plant-related research data that exceeds existing repositories due to their size or scope, such as image collections from plant phenotyping and microscopy, unfinished genomes, genotyping data, visualizations of morphological plant models, data from mass spectrometry as well as software and documents.
Target groupe!DAL-PGP is open to any project, institution, or individual scientist to use or to archive and publish data related to plant science.

Service Description

A desktop-application is available to upload large datasets to e!DAL-PGP. For smaller publications, also an intuitive web interface is provided. The user authentication features ELIXIR AAI, GOOGLE or ORCIDaccounts. Accepted data domains are among others image collections from plant phenotyping, unfinished genomes, genotyping data, visualizations of morphological plant models, data from mass spectrometry as well as software and documents.

Scientific data curation services (incl. taxonomic services)

e!DAL-PGP curates, archives and publishes plant-related research data. Thereby the datasets have no fixed file structure or defined records. Every published dataset is referenced with a DOI to guarantee a FAIR-aware and long-term stable citation. This means a DOI can refer to a single file but also to a comprehensive folder containing multiple files or subdirectories depending on the data domain. All datasets must be supplied by technical metadata and reviewed by two scientific and one administrative reviewer for (meta-)data quality and reusability. The user is guided by e-mails through the review process. Data submitters can define an optional embargo date. Every published dataset is referenced with a DOI to guarantee a FAIR-aware and long-term stable citation.

Data domains

Accepted data domains are among others image collections from plant phenotyping, unfinished genomes, genotyping data, visualizations of morphological plant models, data from mass spectrometry as well as software and documents.

IT services

The eDAL-PGP is built on the e!DAL (electronic Data Archive Library) framework, which is a lightweight Java-based software framework for maintaining, publishing and sharing research data.

Data submission and accession

Datasets can be submitted via a desktop application or web application. Beside functionalities for browsing, filtering and downloading of datasets, download and access statistics are provided for each DOI (

Data backup and archiving

Data backup and archiving facilities are hosted at the IPK with a Hierarchical Storage Management System (HSM) as data archival backend.

Data publication

Datasets are registered with a unique DOI at DataCite, to ensure long-term accessibility and citability of the data.

For more information refer to:

User services

Helpdesk and user workshops.

Service LevelsData Set  xData Package x Data management xResearch Objects 
Data  Formats

Data Submission Formats

DataNo limitations, almost any file format is accepted
MetadataNo limitations, all (standardized or other) formats are accepted

Data Accessibility

Public access pointsGFBio, PGP Repository Content Page of citable DOIs, e!DAL-PGP search pageDataCite Search
Standardised exchange formatsNo limitations
Data formatsNo limitations
Long-term availabilityMinimum guaranteed time period of 10 years

Data Publication Services

Data CitationYes (DOI and citation for each individual data set)
DOIVia DataCite
Archiving (RAW-data ingest, data, media)All data and metadata are archived on a combination of harddidcs and tape drive silos in a hierarchical storage management system located in thre different buildings distributed over the campus of the IPK Gatersleben.
Licenses / Terms of Use

All data published with e!DAL-PGP are a Creative Commons License. The following types are possible: CC-0, CC-BY, CC-BY-SA, CC-BY-ND, CC-BY-NC, CC-BY-NC-SA and CC-BY-NC-ND.  For an open access publication CC-0, CC-BY and CC-BY-SA are recommended.

More information is available in the e!DAL-PGP Data Deposition and License Agreement.


e!DAL-PGP webpage and short video tutorial.

Computing center, external service provider

name of the associated computing center(s), (commercial) service provider(s) and services provided

The central IT of the IPK Gatersleben as part of the resaerch group Bioinformatics and Information Technology (BIT) performs the technical operation. 


Data backup and archiving facilities are hosted at the IPK Gatersleben with a Hierarchical Storage Management System (HSM) as data archival backend.

Your contact persons at e!DAL-PGP

Data curator

  • Daniel Arend

Technical contact

  • Daniel Arend

NFDI contact persons

  • Daniel Arend, Uwe ScholzMatthias Lange

Do you have questions, feedback or need help?

Contact our Helpdesk for direct support.

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